A Change in the Spring Breeze, the Beginning of the End

”We hope to take advantage of the spring breeze of political reform and provide you with election consulting services and election management in line with China's national conditions based on our democratic election activities with Chinese characteristics.”
Translation from Yulian Network (Konnech, Ltd.) website
founded by Yu Jianwei (于建伟), American name Eugene Yu
The Konnech v. True the Vote lawsuit is heading toward discovery. Konnech has accused us of defaming them, hacking their servers, and pursuing them out of racist and xenophobic intent. None of this is true.
Today we bring you a complete and accurate account of how we discovered Konnech, a company that provides elections systems software to many of the largest counties in our country; its incontrovertible creation of open-door systems that send massive amounts of confidential election data and information to China; and its leadership’s work with, and loyalty to, the Chinese Communist Party.
At the bottom of this email is an Open.Ink graphic. Click the graphic to review the following source materials:
- original, unpublished video from The Pit, the infamous event where Gregg Phillips and I, for the first time, publicly discussed Konnech in a presentation called “The Tiger Project: A Betrayal in Three Acts”
- the complete set of data and documents given to Pit attendees
- a list of top stories published as a direct result of information shared at The Pit
- highlights of legal filings in Konnech’s many cases
- and finally, a video glimpse of how much information we have and how powerful it is.
We owe, America owes, a massive debt of gratitude to all the researchers who continued to dig, develop, and piece together this chilling story. Thank you to every one.
There is much more to be revealed. We look forward to our day in court.
Lastly, if you can help with financial support, please do. Everyone from Marc Elias and Stacey Abrams to Konnech is using lawfare to break us. You are giving oxygen to our efforts. We will not quit. Please help if you can.
God bless America.
Ever onward -
Almost a year ago, we started talking about “Pulling the Ripcord,” posting research and video from all True the Vote has collected, including material used in the movie ‘2000 Mules’.
The challenge was where to host it all without fear of being hacked, canceled, censored, or shadow-banned. We needed a user-friendly platform for everyone from novices to expert researchers; that was secure; could scale quickly; was not cluttered by ads; and was unwaveringly reliable.
Such a site didn’t exist. So, in early 2022, a talented team started building one.
Soon enough, the name “Open.Ink” leaked out and led to relentless attacks from global operators. “Pulling the Ripcord” turned into “The Quest to One Day Pull the Ripcord”. Well, that day is finally here. Open.Ink is ready. We will post our other research and video soon, but decided to start with releasing Konnech information because time is of the essence.
Clicking the graphic below will take you to Open.Ink and give you a chance to look around. To fully experience the site, you’ll want to sign up, or better yet, become a member. Moving forward, Open.Ink will be the repository for all True the Vote research findings - no more disjointed Dropbox folders and links that get buried and lost along the way. We and many other researchers and organizations are centralizing our public-facing data with Open.Ink - starting now.
Thank you for being so patient while we worked behind the scenes. We’re all in this together. And now, The Konnech Special Collection at Open.Ink.