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  Dear -

But let justice roll down like waters, and righteousness like an ever-flowing stream.

These words from the book of Amos are on my heart as our nation reels not only from the aftermath of the pandemic lockdown, and unspeakable, unacceptable, senseless killing of George Floyd, but also the violent, destructive riots that have demolished small businesses, shut down what little commerce had reopened, and bred fear and insecurity among America’s neighborhoods and communities.  Many of us are rightfully angry. We should be. And there is a place for anger – when it drives us to compassion, empathy, sacrifice, and justice. But anger that breeds violence, that seeks to harm others -- that kind of anger comes from evil. That is how we know these orchestrated riots across the country come not from righteous anger, but from dangerous forces that are seeking to capitalize on an act of hate to further tear us apart and destabilize our society. They will only further inflame racial tensions, rather than assuage them. And they must be stopped.  The Department of Justice is right to call these forces what they are – domestic terrorists. That is an important first step, but if we are to make a difference, to stop this hate and division, it can’t stop there. We must follow the money and out the funders.  The DOJ and FBI must investigate what entities, organizations, and individuals have helped fund these coordinated riots in more than 30 U.S. cities, requiring curfews and National Guard forces to help regain peace.  Not until we target the funders of these illegal, hateful, destructive activities, will we be able stop them. Their actions represent the same agenda of the radical far-left - an agenda of chaos with the goal of centralizing a power-elite that can control people for their purposes. They are a threat to many of the values we hold dear, specifically our hard-fought effort to ensure free and fair elections for all. As long as this chaos ensues, stoking fear, confusion, and discord, the security and integrity of our elections are in jeopardy.    But we the people have the power to act. I hope that you will take the time to contact DOJ, write your Congressman, write your U.S. Senator and demand action to identify these sources of funding and expose the radical far-left for what it is: a movement that seeks to incite hate and discord rather than love and stability. Love, peace, and kindness are the antidotes to stopping hate, to healing wounds, and to uniting us all as Americans.  No exclusions, no hyphens.  United we stand.  Divided we fall.

Sincerely,Catherine EngelbrechtFounderTrue the Vote

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