Konnech, Australia, Yu … and You

Hi ,
Last week was a great one for the cause of Liberty - excited to fill you in!
But first, let’s start where we seem to start every week … the Los Angeles County v. (Konnech CEO) Eugene Yu hearing that has been repeatedly rescheduled since last October … has again been rescheduled. The new hearing is set for Wednesday, March 29th.
Despite the repeated reschedulings in L.A., our own lawsuit continues to advance and with each advancement we’re dropping more revelations.
You can read Friday’s filing here.
It’s purpose was to respond to Plaintiff’s (Konnech’s) objection to our request to inspect the evidence (200+ electronic devices seized in the Michigan raid of Konnech facilities) currently being held in L.A. County. This request had already been granted by the Court, but nonetheless Plaintiff objected, so we had an opportunity to respond.
The entire brief is worth reading, but the last attachment in the filing is particularly important. It is the Affidavit of Peter McAllister, the former manager of Konnech-Australia.
In his Affidavit, Mr. McAllister describes his concerns about Konnech CEO Eugene Yu’s attempts to cover up their China-based elections operations. Further, he describes the affiliations and attachments to the Chinese Communist Party. I’ll highlight excerpts below.
(Confused? Here’s a quick primer on Konnech).
While we consider that filing to be a great victory in exposing truth and defending liberty, greater still was seeing the potential indictment of President Trump fail in the most spectacular of ways. Not only was he not indicted, NY DA Alvin Bragg, who’d been so blinded by his desire to arrest President Trump, was himself found to have withheld exculpatory evidence from the Grand Jury, so the whole thing fell apart.
Using the justice system as a weapon to target a former president and front-running candidate would have taken our Country to a new low. We are so grateful that didn’t come to pass. No doubt they’ll continue to try, but for now - score another point for Liberty and Justice!
Tonight on Locals (Monday, 3/27 @ 7p et live podcast ) we’ll talk about all the above, plus more on ERIC (Electronic Registration Information Center), and l’ll share my thoughts about why I believe the Republican Party’s endorsement of ballot harvesting is an AWFUL idea.
Please join us tonight if you can - and read on 👇 for some eye opening excerpts.
Friends, we’re winning. Keep the faith.
Ever onward -

PS I know I wrote this last week, but it’s still true - in addition to the training, research, and support we provide on a daily basis, we are working hard to bear the weight of six lawsuits. If you can help us with a financial contribution, please do. We need your support. Quitting is not an option.

Excerpts from Exhibit G:
Affidavit of former Konnech-Australia Manager, Mr. Peter McAllister
4b) “Despite Mr. Yu’s instruction to me to tell ECQ that Konnech Inc. had shuttered its Chinese subsidiary and no longer employed Chinese nationals to work on its elections software, I was aware that the work continued to be done by the same China-based teams but under a different contractual arrangement. As far as I am aware neither Konnech, Inc. nor Konnech Australia Pty Ltd ever had any development staff and instead always drew on the more than 100 developer resources available to them in China. I believe these developers to be employees of JinHuaHongZheng Technology, an affiliated Chinese company.”
16) “During our discussion Mr. Nabergoi and I agreed that the most likely explanation was that somebody in China was undertaking these deletions at Konnech’s direction, probably from Mr. Yu. We also discussed the issue of possible Chinese government connections with Konnech. My research had shown me that JinHuaHongZheng Technology (which I believed to be associated with Konnech and which I believe provided the IT development engineers for Konnech) was the main supplier of election software products to the Communist Party of China.”
17) ”Mr Nabergoi told me, in return, that the current owner of JinHuaHongZheng Technology was Mr. Yu’s older brother, who was based in China, and that the two frequently spoke. Mr Nabergoi’s view was that Mr. Yu’s older brother is the brains behind Konnech…. “ “From this discussion I concluded that my assertions of an absolute disconnect between Konnech Australia and the Chinese Communist Party were no longer sustainable.”
To read the whole document click here.
Much more to come in this case.
God Bless America.

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