They Are Lying
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They are LYING to you. Dear -
You've never received an email like this from me. But seeing poll after poll showing that the majority of Americans are in favor of the massive expansion of mail-in ballots, it has to be said ... They are LYING to you. BIDEN. PELOSI. OBAMA. CLINTON. SCHIFF. CLAPPER. BRENNAN. ELIAS... All of them. They lied about IRS TARGETING. They lied about SPYING. They lied about RUSSIA. They lied about FISA. Now, using the fog of COVID, they are lying about the "convenience and safety" of their MAIL BALLOT SCHEMES. Make no mistake, this strategy has been well crafted and long-planned. They know full well that making radical changes to election processes could crater November's elections.
These politicos and power brokers look down at us from behind their podiums and issue edicts that are breaking the backs of millions of small businesses and families across the nation. Even as the “curve has flattened” they have continued to encroach.
Consider all we’ve been put through. Consider all that’s been exposed.
Then ask yourself- do you really believe power-drunk bureaucrats are creating new election laws to make it easier for you to vote them out of office?
No. They are engineering chaos to control outcomes. Just like we’ve seen them do with COVID.
True the Vote is fighting back. We must not give in to fear-mongering bureaucrats who are forcing statewide mail ballots. What they are NOT telling the public is that along with maximizing mail-in ballots, they are also pushing to eliminate protections such as VOTER ID and signature verification, mailing ballots to both active and inactive voters using inaccurate, bloated voter rolls, and to top it all off, allowing "community vote harvesters" to retrieve and submit unlimited numbers of ballots!
We must hold the line!! Our Constitutional rights are being stolen. The most immediate and impactful action we can take is to sue. We won in New Mexico and are currently suing in the states of Nevada and Virginia. This is only the first wave of the fight - but we must act now!
Mandatory mail ballots, vote harvesting, killing voter ID, removing signature verification..... this is not about public health. This is what happens when Government Takes Over.
Over the coming weeks, we will be filing lawsuits on behalf of voters in many more states - and we are prepared to take cases all the way to the US Supreme Court if necessary.
Make no mistake, these are not “single state battles” and this is not about the primaries. More than 100 leftist lawsuits and executive fiats are in play right now - and they will change elections FOREVER. Every time a precedent is set in one state it threatens every state. We MUST stick together - and we MUST fight back.
Think it's not that bad? Think I'm exaggerating? Read the latest COVID-stimulus bill put forward by Nancy Pelosi. They want full control of elections! And they are very close to doing it. ENOUGH IS ENOUGH! Please help us fight for voters in courtroom battles across America!
DONATE NOW TO STOP MAIL-BALLOT SCHEMESIn the days ahead we will turn our attention back to training and mobilizing volunteers for the general election, but right now WE MUST FIGHT BACK IN COURT or free and fair elections will become a thing of the past. Please help us by contributing NOW! Onward,Catherine EngelbrechtFounderTrue the Vote
PS Together we can stop their takeover schemes. If everyone reading this chipped in $50 - and then asked their friends to do the same - and kept it going - by this time next week we could file suit in 4 more states and 8 more the week after.
Our attorney won Bush v Gore in SCOTUS. He knows the terrain, but this is a very short runway. We must raise money for the fight right now. There is not a day to waste. Do not read this and think it doesn’t apply to you. This effects every American. Get some skin in the game and help fight back.
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We can do this if we stick together. We can win. But only if we stick together.
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