New Training! "Older But Wiser Voter Project"

Hi friend!
Most of us either have or know of a loved one in assisted, skilled nursing, or a long term care facility. We also know that the majority of them are either not registered to vote, are not well informed on current political news, or need trustworthy assistance with voting.
Join True the Vote tomorrow - Wednesday, 8/7 at 7pm ct - on Onward for a new training where we will provide you with the tools you need to get started!

Please note: you must be a registered user of the Onward Community on the Locals platform to watch the live training. A replay of the training will also be available on Onward. Register here to join the training!
You may also reach out to [email protected] if you have any questions!
God bless you and God bless America!
Your TTV Team
PS. Tune in every Monday, Wednesday and Friday at 12pm ct on the Onward Community for our live Lunch & Learn Open Mics! Questions? Concerns? Feedback? Now is your time to connect! If you’re not already, register to become a Community Member. We’d love to have you!