Socialist Revolution
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Socialist Revolution
Q: What do Iowa, Nevada, and Venezuela have in common? A: Election manipulation and fraud.
Dear - Fraud is the hallmark of elections in socialist countries like Venezuela, Cuba, and North Korea. Free and fair elections? No. One person, one vote? Hardly. Now, America faces a Democrat party lurching towards socialist revolution. 'Democratic Socialism' is Socialism. It's the expansion of government control and restriction of individual freedom. Freedom is part of our DNA as Americans. We will not cede it willingly. And that's why Democratic Socialism is so incredibly dangerous. If they don't like the outcome of their elections, they change them. Sorry, free and fair vote, Socialists don't play that way. You can help us stand against the radicals who want to bring the same chaos to November's election that they're now bringing to the Democrat primaries. Make no mistake, this is not a partisan argument. Our country needs more than one political party. True the Vote is not partisan. We are pro-vote. We are pro-election integrity. We are pro-freedom. Our plan is to it reach 1,000,000 volunteers to serve in the 2020 elections. We've just launched a free new e-book on Election Integrity, with more trainings, videos, and podcasts coming in the days ahead. We are digging the trenches! If you’re able, please show your support by making a donation today to help ensure a free and fair election in 2020! $25, $50, $100 ... or more ... whatever you feel moved to give, it will all be put to immediate use as we continue to expand our efforts nationwide.
PROTECT AMERICA'S ELECTIONSThank you in advance for your contribution. Your donation will serve to support the deployment of citizens, veterans, first-responders, all who love our country, respect the sanctity of our elections, and are willing to standing against a socialist revolution. Working together, we really can true the vote.
Thank you again!

Catherine Engelbrecht
Founder, True the Vote
P.S. We've had an overwhelming response from the veteran and first responder communities signing up with Continue to Serve. If you don't know about it, please check it out! If you've already signed up, be assured we're setting up teams and will be back in touch soon!
P.S.S. Stay tuned for information on our upcoming Freedom Summit in the summer of 2020! There will be lots happening in the days ahead!
Donations made to True the Vote are tax deductible.True the Vote is a 501c3 nonprofit organization, Federal Tax I.D. #27-2860095