True the Vote Comments on Motion for Summary Judgment

Late Friday night, Motions for Summary Judgment were filed in the Mark Andrews v. Dinesh D’Souza lawsuit. The Plaintiff in this matter suffered no harm from a 1.8 second clip inside a film that was 89 minutes long, and was never, in any instance, identified. True the Vote Defendants’ involvement in the film ‘2000 Mules’ was limited to sharing research and appearing in an unscripted interview. True the Vote Defendants had no authority, no say, and certainly no editorial control of any kind. This case is devoid of evidence to survive a summary judgment dismissal.
The maker of the film and subsequent book was Dinesh D’Souza and his media company. It is disturbing to continue to read Mr. D’Souza’s fabrications, made in a desperate effort to shift blame towards others, when he bears full and final responsibility for the content of the film. Mr. D’Souza decided what clips to use, how to use them, and what to say about them. A simple example is Mr. D’Souza’s inexplicable choice to create graphics using maps of Moscow, Russia rather than Atlanta, Georgia. The clip at issue in the lawsuit was chosen by Mr. D’Souza ostensibly as filler video, as it was never part of True the Vote’s geospatial research - a fact which he was informed of. His inaccurate statements are a profound disappointment.