Beware the Risen People

Vote. Serve. Pray.

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Hi Friend -

Lots of progress on many fronts this week!

Ballot Dropbox Security Initiative

All battleground states, with the exception of Michigan, have either drastically reduced their number of ballot dropboxes or are live-streaming their own ballot dropbox video feeds. With the addition of law enforcement and engaged voters willing to assist on camera detail, and your support in our Secure Dropbox initiative to provide cameras and post feeds, we are looking forward to hosting live video across many states. Our focus is Wisconsin and Pennsylvania. If you can help with a donation towards cameras and platform support, please do!

And More …

We’re also seeing other great developments across:

  • Florida - Gov. DeSantis and Sec of State Byrd dialing up heat on the Dept. of Homeland Security with open letters calling for the release noncitizen voter registration data.
  • Arizona - Lawsuits pressing for noncitizen voter registration data (which is being held by DHS, see above)
  • Georgia - Citizens and State Election Board members are bringing common sense reforms to state processes, including mandatory hand counts at polling places to ensure accuracy and mandatory availability of ballot images and other crucial documentation, which heretofore has been kept hidden.
  • Texas and Oklahoma - Making headlines by cleaning their voter rolls and removing 1,000,000+ and 450,000+ ineligible records, respectively.
  • Pennsylvania - counties are banning ballot dropboxes and increasing security standards on mail-in ballots

Just to name a few. Change is happening ONLY because voters are demanding it. YOU are the reason we can stay in the trenches, helping in ways seen and unseen, to improve the accuracy and transparency of our upcoming election.


Additionally, we’ve officially launched VoteAlert. If you haven’t yet signed up, do it today! We are already receiving reports from all over the globe (not kidding). In the days ahead, it’s our goal to host short daily podcasts with updates from VoteAlert and other election related fronts.

Here’s an example of what we learned today, from an alert VoteAlert user who sent in this picture 👇 from travels in Vienna, Austria, where Democrat-backed groups like ‘Vote from Abroad’ are actively registering voters. Screenshots from their website affirm that you needn’t ever have lived in the U.S., nor are any identifying documents necessary to register or to vote.

Seems outrageous, right? But, is with great frustration that we must acknowledge what this group is doing is NOT illegal. Federal law allows it.

This is just one of many scenarios that clarify how easy it is to exploit weaknesses in Federal law in order to use noncitizens as political pawns to achieve desired outcomes. With efforts like Vote from Abroad working globally, the potential exposure here reaches into the millions.

This is just one of many process reforms that must be addressed in the future. For now, be aware. And spread the word. We must not continue to tolerate such outrageous failures in election process. We must stand together, vote, and make sure all our family and friends are registered and voting, too. Then, God willing, with liberty-minded leadership, real improvements are not only possible, but quickly achievable.

Voto Honesto Climbing the Charts

For a fun change of pace, True the Vote / Voto Honesto spokeswoman Viot Sarria wrote and recorded a song about election engagement called “One Voice United”. Take a listen!

The 2024 election is the most important election of our lifetime. Thank you @TrueTheVote for all your hard work.

RT if you’re getting out to vote Nov 5th

— Hadas (@HadasLevy777)
9:58 PM • Sep 17, 2024

We have been busily translating our key materials into many different languages; Spanish, Chinese, Vietnamese, Korean, Armenian, Tagalog, Italian, and French, so far. If you can help with translations, or if you need materials, please let us know! We understand that many voters would like to see election materials written only in English, and we can’t say we disagree. BUT, for many legal voters, English is a second language. If it helps with comprehension of lawful election processes, we’re all for it!

#scancheckprotect : True the Vote voter registration drives, this one on an NJ beach

MUST READ: Alinksy and Lawfare in the 2024 Election

This Conservative Treehouse article reports on what could be an upcoming Consent Decree by the RNC. The Decree would limit RNC ballot security efforts much the same as the RNC’s New Jersey Consent Decree immobilized efforts from 1982-2017.

While we should be aware of this development, what happened in 1982 can never happen again today. Why? In 1982, most Americans were not “politically awake”. The political parties were left to run elections without much pushback on failed processes. Those days are over. Consent decrees between political parties tie only the parties, not American voters.

BREAKING: True The Vote just announced that their team is monitoring over 25 MILLION ineligible names on voter rolls across the country and will engage law enforcement & "litigation partners" if any vote in the 2024 election

"And now we're watching to see if those ineligible……

— George (@BehizyTweets)
12:22 AM • Sep 14, 2024

No more games. No retreat. No surrender. America is rising. Enough is enough.

Beware the Risen People

CTH’s article reminded me of an Irish poem called The Rebel, the last stanza of which is quoted below.

I could have borne stripes on my body rather than this shame of my people.

And now I speak, being full of vision;

I speak to my people, and I speak in my people’s name to the masters of my people.

I say to my people that they are holy, that they are august, despite their chains,

That they are greater than those that hold them, and stronger and purer,

That they have but need of courage, and to call on the name of their God,

God the unforgetting, the dear God that loves the peoples

For whom He died naked, suffering shame.

And I say to my people’s masters: Beware,

Beware of the thing that is coming, beware of the risen people,

Who shall take what ye would not give.

Did ye think to conquer the people,

Or that Law is stronger than life and than men’s desire to be free?

We will try it out with you, ye that have harried and held,

Ye that have bullied and bribed, tyrants, hypocrites, liars!

- Patrick Pearse

Thank you, my fellow rebel, for your willingness to stand with us. Together, there is nothing we can’t do.

Keep the faith. Never quit. Ephesians 6 FTW!

Ever onward -