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May 21, 2020

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In Case You Missed ItAndrew Klavan Interviews True the Vote’s Catherine Engelbrecht"The most secure way to cast your vote is in person on election day.”

HOUSTON, Texas - True the Vote founder, Catherine Engelbrecht joined the Daily Wire’s Andrew Klavan to discuss election security and why American citizens should hesitate to expand vote by mail when critical security measures are being simultaneously stripped away. Listen to the full interview here; select excerpts are included below.


“When you think about [vote by mail] in particular, it is the least secure way to cast your vote. The same groups suing states to push [vote by mail] are the same ones that have been suing states to prevent them from cleaning their voter rolls or passing Voter ID. So the first step [when the state sends out the mail ballots], they are going to send ballots to a list that, according to our research, is usually about 20 percent wrong. "[Another issue is] vote harvesters are going to be able to pick up the ballots and distribute the ballots.  This exposes our most vulnerable population [the elderly] to manipulation, to abuse. That piece alone is troubling. Past that, the same groups suing for [vote by mail] are also suing to pull back security provisions. They don’t want signature verification, and if [a ballot] comes in after election day, that want to count those too."“I’m not against mail-in, there are reasons you should have the opportunity to vote mail in - if you are infirm, if you are out of the state, if you are elderly and that is a better mechanism for you, states allow those reasons you should be able to vote [by mail]." “For all the people who think [vote by mail] is so much more convenient, be careful! You cannot trade convenience for security. The most secure way to cast your vote is in person on election day.""At the end of the day, this is about free and fair for everyone…There is no question now that the Democrat contingent is pushing towards implosion of the process, but those are the politicos and power brokers,  I’d like to believe that the rank and file Democrat or Republican, just American citizens, we just want our votes to count. Let the best man or woman win, just let it be fair. There is such a disconnect, the citizens have forgotten, I think, that we run the elections, they are for us, they are not for the government. As a result we have let a lot of things get away from us over the years."

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True the Vote (TTV) is an IRS-designated 501(c)3 voters' rights organization, founded to inspire and equip volunteers for involvement at every stage of our electoral process. TTV empowers organizations and individuals across the nation to actively protect the rights of legitimate voters, regardless of their political party affiliation. For more information, please visit www.truethevote.org.

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