Georgia Special Collection
This special collection offers an in-depth look at True the Vote’s election integrity efforts in Georgia. It highlights a series of extraordinary events that began in 2020, are happening at the time of this publication, and by all indications, will continue throughout 2024.

True the Vote’s experiences in Georgia prove beyond a shadow of a doubt that the General Election of 2020 was never meaningfully investigated. From the over 67,000 votes attached to voting records of individuals ineligible to vote in their jurisdiction to unmonitored surveillance cameras and phantom ballots, these errant processes should have been monitored and investigated before certification.
As you will see, True the Vote repeatedly presented its work to Federal and State law enforcement officials. Authorities did not investigate. Instead, they obfuscated, delayed, and ultimately targeted President Trump, True the Vote, and others, for publicly exposing their failure to uphold lawful processes. Those who question the accuracy of the 2020 General Election were, and are, right to do so.

Our Sources
Certain documents, video clips, and other exhibits will not be immediately released for reasons including active litigation, protective orders, and ongoing research. will add exhibits to this collection as events unfold.
True the Vote currently stores over 100 hard drives containing Georgia ballot drop box surveillance video, ranging in size from 8 to 90TB. This body of evidence was collected by True the Vote through county specific open records requests. The drives have been preserved strictly as provided to them.
To view the contents of these drives and maintain metadata requires the use of players particular to each recording device.

True the Vote in Georgia
True the Vote founder Catherine Engelbrecht and True the Vote contractor and OPSEC founder Gregg Phillips reflect on their experiences in Georgia.
Georgia Timeline
November 2020
- November 3 - General Election
- November 6 - Informant report
- November 8 - Conceive plan to measure whether dropboxes would be exploited in 2021 Run-Off Election and begin project preparations
- November 11 - GA lawsuit filed (underwritten by True the Vote). Withdrawn due to lack of available data.
- November 13 -18 - GA statewide risk limiting audit recount
- November 13 - GA County Certification (OCGA 21-2-493 (k))
- November 20 - GA Secretary of State Raffensperger and Gov Kemp Certify Election (OCGA 21-2-499(b))
- November 22 - President Trump requests recount, as allowed by Georgia law.

December 2020
- December 7
- State re-certifies election results
- True the Vote offers online training material to GA State Democrat and Republican Parties. Republicans acknowledge and a positive press statement is released.
- December 16
- Begin making geospatial data purchases
- Meet with GA SOS and staff
- December 17 - True the Vote announces 364K potentially ineligible voters in Georgia
- December 18 - Marc Elias/PerkinsCoie sends letter to all GA counties threatening to sue if they consider challenges
- December 20 - True the Vote sends letter to all GA counties confirming correctness of process and offering to assist in defense if they are sued.
- December 23 - True the Vote Sued by Fair Fight

January 2021
- January 5 - GA run-off elections
- January 6 - situation at the U.S. Capitol

March 2021
- JMarch 9 - Give complete Georgia dataset to FBI, including:
- Map of all ballot drop boxes geofenced in study
- IMEI numbers of 279 devices identified as of 1.14.2021 (this number was ultimately refined down to 242) that crossed
- Cell phones present during approximate time of Atlanta riot events, as geographically defined in ACLED database , and time derived from news reports
- Nationwide locations of devices from October 1, 2020 through January 5, 2021 (to show where devices were located before, during, and after early election periods)
- UPS Locations at which target devices are present
- March 31 - Common Cause Georgia Files FEC Complaint Against True the Vote

May 2021
- May 24th - Gregg Phillips meets with David and Sonny Perdue to discuss geospatial project and early observations
- May 24th - Present initial geospatial findings in Governor Kemp’s office to Governor’s staff, Head of Georgia Bureau of Investigations Vic Reynolds, and staff

June 2021
- June 25th - United States v Georgia filed
- June 28th - Met with GA law firm Hall, Booth, Smith about possible intervention into United States v Georgia

July 2021
- July 6th - day long meeting with legal team from Hall, Booth, Smith, including Senator John Albers.
- July 12th - moved into Thad Cochran Tech Center in Mississippi
- July 14th - fly to DC to meet with Bryon Tau, Wall Street Journal reporter, offer exclusive coverage of geospatial project.
- July 14th - first dropbox surveillance video results using AI analysis

August 2021
- August 29 - Catherine writes blog post broadly describing geospatial project

September 2021
- September 20 - complete briefs in support of two ongoing Fulton County, GA murder investigations.
- September 27 - Trump Rally in Perry, GA. President Trump mentions TTV’s work in Georgia
- September 30 - Georgia Bureau of Investigations writes letter discrediting True the Vote data and doxxing researchers. True the Vote does not receive a copy of this letter.

October 2021
- October 7 - show geospatial evidence to Ron DeSantis and staff to determine interest in Florida
- Submit murder investigation data to ATL PD / FBI task force
- “Off the record” meeting with GA SOS team to discuss dropbox information and next steps
- October 16 - meeting with Salem media to discuss possible movie.
- October 21 - Atlanta Journal Constitution publishes GBI letter, includes doxxing of metadata

November 2021
- November 9 Washington DC - Brief House investigators about findings of dropbox exploitation and Konnech

January 2022
- January 5 - Raffensperger announces intent to open investigation
- January 11 - Contacted by GA investigator Dana DeWeese via email
- January 30 - Houston TX shoot “2000 Mules” interview with Dinesh D’Souza

February 2022
- February 3 - Los Angeles CA shoot “2000 Mules” interview with Salem Media hosts

May 2022
- May 2 - “2000 Mules” premiere
- May 2 - Lease canceled at Thad Cochran Tech Center due to media pressure. Relocate data center to undisclosed location

August 2022
- August 13 - The Pit in Arizona

October 2022
- October 26 - Mark Andrews v True the Vote, Salem Media, Dinesh D’SouzaAugust 13 - The Pit in Arizona

July 2023
- July 11 - GA State Election Board (SEB) v True the Vote

August 2023
- August 14 - President Trump and 18 additional individuals indicted in Fulton County, GA
- August 18 - TTV submits response in SEB v TTV