Reference Sites
The following is a list of major thought-leaders and influencers in the debate over election integrity and voting. Whether we agree with them or not, their advocacy is impacting the national conversation. We believe this makes it critical to be aware of their positions and activism efforts. A place on this list does not equal an endorsement from True the Vote.

Ballotpedia is the digital encyclopedia of American politics, and the nation’s premier resource for unbiased information on elections, politics, and policy.
The Department of Homeland Security
An official website of the United States government.
US Election Assistance Commission
The U.S. Election Assistance Commission (EAC) is an independent, bipartisan commission whose mission is to help election officials improve the administration of elections and help Americans participate in the voting process.
Voting & Elections Supreme Court Cases
The National Association of Secretaries of State Elections Committee is dedicated to educating and informing NASS members about policies and practices related to election administration at both the state and federal level.
An official website of the United States government.