Three To-Dos For Your Voter Registration in 2020 | Red White & True News | Ep. 19
Registering to vote is different from state to state and with the COVID pandemic still being used as a prop to change election processes, the 2020 election is as confusing as ever for Americans. In the latest episode of the Red White & True News podcast, True the Vote Founder and President Catherine Engelbrecht helps clear up confusion and gives three quick to-dos to ensure every eligible American is registered as an active voter by their state's deadline.
Now more than ever we need to make sure we cross our T's and dot our I's when it comes to voter registration. Make sure to only use blue or black ink, provide correct information, and double check for any mistakes. This may be the most divisive election in American history so we must do everything we can to focus on what brings us all together: our most basic right as American citizens, the right to vote.
True the Vote is here to help with resources not just for getting registered, but also getting ready to vote and have your voice heard. Our state-by-state voting guides provide important voter information, including when to vote, how to vote, and what to bring with you to the polls. Visit the interactive map on the True the Vote website to access your state's infographic, download, print, and share.
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