True the Vote Files Lawsuit in Wisconsin to Launch an Investigation Into Voter Rolls; Determine the Number of Actual Illegal Votes Cast in the State

True the Vote Files Lawsuit in Wisconsin to Launch an Investigation Into Voter Rolls; Determine the Number of Actual Illegal Votes Cast in the State
Wisconsin Voters Believe There is Sufficient Suspicion of Illegal Voting, Warranting Thorough Investigation
HOUSTON, Texas – True the Vote, as part of its "Validate the Vote" initiative filed a lawsuit in the United States District Court for the Eastern District of Wisconsin against the election officials in Menominee, Milwaukee, and Dane counties, along with the Wisconsin Elections Commission (WEC) and Gov. Tony Evers. The complaint seeks immediate access to nonpublic election information, such as registration data and other key voter information, so that the voters’ experts can analyze who voted, using sophisticated data analytics, to determine if actual illegal votes were cast, and how many.
“Voters in Wisconsin deserve to have their voices heard and their doubts resolved about the presidential election results," said True the Vote Founder and President Catherine Engelbrecht. “There is no question that were numerous voting irregularities in the November 3 elections in Wisconsin and True the Vote is seeking access to the data that will allow us to confirm to what extent illegal votes were counted and whether they impacted the final results of the election. All we want are the facts – regardless of the final outcome – so that we can determine where vulnerabilities in the election system exist and take steps to fix them. The right to vote is one of our most sacred civil rights as Americans. True the Vote is committed to preserving those rights and ensuring the integrity of all elections."
If the study of voter rolls reveals sufficient actual illegal votes that place in doubt the presidential election results, the voters would seek to overturn the results in the counties where that evidence exists, because those illegal votes dilute the lawful votes, which is a violation of the voting rights of Wisconsin’s legitimate voters and a violation of the equal protection clause.
Leading True the Vote's litigation efforts is True the Vote's General Counsel James Bopp, Jr., who played a key role in the Bush v. Gore case and successfully brought Citizens United v. FEC .
The voters represented in the litigation provide personal testimony of suspicious and possibly illegal election activity that would justify this investigation, including:
The suit requests that the Court expedite discovery of poll lists and other key information necessary to conduct the investigation and, if the investigation results in sufficient illegal votes being documented, take action before the December 8, 2020 deadline for the state to certify the results of the presidential election. The acceptance of unlawful ballots by election officials in any of these three counties would draw into question the veracity of Biden's lead.
True the Vote has also filed litigation on behalf of voters in Pennsylvania , Michigan , and Georgia to conduct similar investigations and will continue pursuing all legal avenues to ensure that voters voices are heard and election inconsistencies and malfeasance are thoroughly analyzed and investigated to see if it resulted in sufficient actual illegal votes to invalidate the election.
The following is a timeline of key dates surrounding final certification of elections and vote of the Electoral College, prior to Inauguration Day:
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True the Vote (TTV) is an IRS-designated 501(c)3 voters' rights organization, founded to inspire and equip volunteers for involvement at every stage of our electoral process. TTV empowers organizations and individuals across the nation to actively protect the rights of legitimate voters, regardless of their political party affiliation. For more information, please visit .
Wisconsin Voters Believe There is Sufficient Suspicion of Illegal Voting, Warranting Thorough Investigation
HOUSTON, Texas – True the Vote, as part of its "Validate the Vote" initiative filed a lawsuit in the United States District Court for the Eastern District of Wisconsin against the election officials in Menominee, Milwaukee, and Dane counties, along with the Wisconsin Elections Commission (WEC) and Gov. Tony Evers. The complaint seeks immediate access to nonpublic election information, such as registration data and other key voter information, so that the voters’ experts can analyze who voted, using sophisticated data analytics, to determine if actual illegal votes were cast, and how many.
“Voters in Wisconsin deserve to have their voices heard and their doubts resolved about the presidential election results," said True the Vote Founder and President Catherine Engelbrecht. “There is no question that were numerous voting irregularities in the November 3 elections in Wisconsin and True the Vote is seeking access to the data that will allow us to confirm to what extent illegal votes were counted and whether they impacted the final results of the election. All we want are the facts – regardless of the final outcome – so that we can determine where vulnerabilities in the election system exist and take steps to fix them. The right to vote is one of our most sacred civil rights as Americans. True the Vote is committed to preserving those rights and ensuring the integrity of all elections."
If the study of voter rolls reveals sufficient actual illegal votes that place in doubt the presidential election results, the voters would seek to overturn the results in the counties where that evidence exists, because those illegal votes dilute the lawful votes, which is a violation of the voting rights of Wisconsin’s legitimate voters and a violation of the equal protection clause.
Leading True the Vote's litigation efforts is True the Vote's General Counsel James Bopp, Jr., who played a key role in the Bush v. Gore case and successfully brought Citizens United v. FEC .
The voters represented in the litigation provide personal testimony of suspicious and possibly illegal election activity that would justify this investigation, including:
- One voter went to her polling place to vote in person. When she arrived and attempted to sign in and obtain a ballot, poll worker told her that she had already requested an absentee ballot by mail. However, the voter had never requested an absentee ballot, and therefore requested a ballot to vote in person. When she told the poll worker that she had not requested an absentee ballot and wanted to vote in person, the worker replied “That’s OK” and gave her a ballot.
- The same voter’s daughter once started the process to register to vote online, but decided not to upload her identification, so never completed the online process and never requested an absentee ballot by mail. However, the daughter later received an absentee ballot by mail anyway.
- One election supervisor in the Village of Menomonee Falls was asked many times by poll workers if a voter who had been issued an absentee ballot was allowed to vote in-person when the ballot’s signature box is printed “Absentee Issued.” She advised the workers that the voter could vote in person as long as the voter had not returned the absentee ballot. Through the day, at least 10 of those voters stated to the effect, “I didn’t even ask for this ballot.” The election supervisor and workers asked those voters to tear the absentee ballots before voting in person. The voters did so and gave the torn ballots to the workers to include with election materials.
- One vote canvasser in Prescott, Wisconsin, working on behalf of the Susan B. Anthony List, was told by a resident that the resident had received 10 ballots in the mail from the WEC, even though he did not request them. He stated that his neighbors had also received 10 ballots without requesting them.
- Two Wisconsin voters Eau Claire received instructions from the WEC by mail advising how to request ballots and vote by mail. They did not respond and did not request ballots from WEC, either by mail or online. However, each received a ballot from the WEC personally addressed to them. They destroyed the ballots and voted in person.
- A college student in North Dakota, registered to vote in Wisconsin, requested to be mailed an absentee ballot so that she could vote by mail. She received instructions from WEC to submit ID. However, before returning the request and submitting ID, she received a ballot by mail and never did submit the ID. She destroyed the ballot and returned to Wisconsin to vote in person.
The suit requests that the Court expedite discovery of poll lists and other key information necessary to conduct the investigation and, if the investigation results in sufficient illegal votes being documented, take action before the December 8, 2020 deadline for the state to certify the results of the presidential election. The acceptance of unlawful ballots by election officials in any of these three counties would draw into question the veracity of Biden's lead.
True the Vote has also filed litigation on behalf of voters in Pennsylvania , Michigan , and Georgia to conduct similar investigations and will continue pursuing all legal avenues to ensure that voters voices are heard and election inconsistencies and malfeasance are thoroughly analyzed and investigated to see if it resulted in sufficient actual illegal votes to invalidate the election.
The following is a timeline of key dates surrounding final certification of elections and vote of the Electoral College, prior to Inauguration Day:
- Dec. 8: "Safe Harbor" - date by which states must certify results and assign electors. If an election is in dispute, state legislatures may assign electors.
- Dec. 14: Electors meet in their states to cast votes for the president and Vice President.
- Jan. 3: New Congress is sworn in; 117th session starts.
- Jan. 6: Electoral votes are counted in House chamber by members of House and Senate; if neither candidate has 270 electoral college votes, the election is in dispute.
- Jan. 20: Inauguration Day - new president takes oath of office. In a disputed election, the House will appoint the president and Senate will choose the Vice President.
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True the Vote (TTV) is an IRS-designated 501(c)3 voters' rights organization, founded to inspire and equip volunteers for involvement at every stage of our electoral process. TTV empowers organizations and individuals across the nation to actively protect the rights of legitimate voters, regardless of their political party affiliation. For more information, please visit .