True the Vote Releases Comprehensive Research on Illegal Electioneering and Vote Harvesting in Nevada

True the Vote Releases Comprehensive Research on Illegal Electioneering and Vote Harvesting in Nevada
Research Featured in The Federalist: 'Inside Partisan GOTV In Indian Country'
HOUSTON, Texas – True the Vote today released thorough and comprehensive research it has conducted on vote harvesting and electioneering schemes in Nevada, specifically targeting Indian reservations and the state’s wider Native American communities. The Federalist today covered some of True the Vote’s research, which is featured below and can be read in full here .
“True the Vote continues its in-depth, comprehensive collection of research and data analysis in the wake of the 2020 presidential election where we know that expanded mail-in voting led to widespread election malfeasance and fraud,” said True the Vote Founder and President Catherine Engelbrecht. “Nevada is only one of many states that has been plagued by bad actors seeking to illicitly influence voting activities in minority and disenfranchised communities, and illegally gather or even pay for votes. The research released today is only the beginning of what we seek to uncover as we review the results of the 2020 elections and uncover where irregular, unethical, and even illegal actions took place. Every voter in America has the right for their vote to be counted and not diluted by an illegal vote and our mission is to put an end to illegal voting, ensure free, fair, secure elections for our entire country.”
Below is coverage from The Federalist , featuring comments from Catherine Engelbrecht and elements of True the Vote’s research.
‘Fraud Has Been Institutionalized’: Inside Partisan GOTV In Indian Country
The Federalist
John Daniel Davidson
November 25, 2020
"Last week, I reported on a coordinated and completely illegal votes-for-cash scheme in tribal areas of Nevada , spearheaded by a group called the Nevada Native Vote Project, which is part of a larger effort called Native Vote funded by the National Congress of American Indians, or NCAI.
"Under the guise of a get-out-the-vote campaign, these nonprofit groups were bribing tribal members to vote, offering them gift cards, electronics, and other “prizes” in exchange for proof that they voted. They documented these efforts through their own social media channels, either unaware or unconcerned that what they were doing directly violates federal election laws .
"But it turns out the Nevada Native Vote Project is just one of many supposedly nonpartisan organizations engaged in vote-bribing and illegal electioneering, all under the thin guise of GOTV campaigns. Similar efforts in as many as a half-dozen other states, including every major battleground state, were undertaken by groups that worked hand in hand with the Joe Biden campaign to deliver votes for Democrats.
These GOTV Campaigns Are Openly Partisan
"One of these groups is called Radicalize the Vote, a 'GOTV campaign, led by indigenous woman, that is building a unique, centralized indigenous registration list to get out the vote in record number during the COVID-10.' The campaign is a partnership between NCAI-funded Native Vote and an organization called Seeding Sovereignty , which describes itself as 'an Indigenous-led collective,' that 'works to radicalize and disrupt colonized spaces through land, body, and food sovereignty work, community building, and cultural preservation.' Seeding Sovereignty and Radicalize the Vote appear to share staff .
"Although claiming to be a nonpartisan group, Radicalize the Vote was remarkably open about its opposition to President Trump, posting a photo on its official Instagram page that read: 'Every Trump sign is a desperate plea for toxic white supremacy to be seen and validated. It should remind you how fragile and threatened colonizers feel knowing their beliefs are dying an unremarkable and pitiful death.'
This Was A Coordinated Effort Nationwide
"The creation and funding of groups like Radicalize the Vote seems to be just one part of a larger, highly coordinated effort to deliver Native votes for the Democratic Party and the Biden campaign. In some cases, these efforts received indirect assistance from state lawmakers and election officials.
"In Nevada, the state legislature not only expanded voting by mail, sending ballots to every eligible voter whether he or she requested one or not, it also passed a law in August that allowed for nearly unrestricted ballot-harvesting of absentee ballots. The new law allowed non-family members, community health representatives, political parties, community organizers, and groups like Radicalize the Vote and the Nevada Native Vote Project to pick up absentee ballots from voters in tribal areas.
"In Arizona, which Trump lost by three-tenths of a percentage point, Secretary of State Kate Hobbs’ office set up special online voter registration URLs for select nonprofit groups back in May. The stated goal was to increase voter registration, but the online registrations were heavily promoted by left-wing groups like Native Vote. The special URLs were only given out to a handful of nonpartisan groups, including the Phoenix Indian Center, which in turn amplified GOTV messaging from Native Vote on its Facebook page.
This Is A Crisis That Can’t Be Ignored
"It’s undeniable that groups like Native Vote and Radicalize the Vote, supported with funding from the NCAI, have had an outsized effect on the presidential election. It’s also undeniable that they were flagrantly violating federal election laws and acting not as nonpartisan organizations just trying to increase voter turnout, but arms of the Biden campaign and the Democratic Party.
"Catherine Engelbrecht, founder of True the Vote, a group that’s been advocating for accountability and transparency in elections for a decade, told me that this sort of illegal activity has been going on for years. The difference is that drastic changes to mail-in voting, enacted in the name of the pandemic, caused 'the dam to burst in 2020.'
"The groups that pushed for mass mail-in voting this year, Engelbrecht added, are the same groups that have been suing states for years to prevent them from updating voter rolls. Once you expand mail-in voting with corrupted voter rolls, and then allow ballot-harvesting on a mass scale, it’s like 'harvesting fog,' says Engelbrecht. 'The fraud has been institutionalized, and we’ve been desensitized to it.'"
Read the full article here.
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True the Vote (TTV) is an IRS-designated 501(c)3 voters' rights organization, founded to inspire and equip volunteers for involvement at every stage of our electoral process. TTV empowers organizations and individuals across the nation to actively protect the rights of legitimate voters, regardless of their political party affiliation. For more information, please visit .
Research Featured in The Federalist: 'Inside Partisan GOTV In Indian Country'
HOUSTON, Texas – True the Vote today released thorough and comprehensive research it has conducted on vote harvesting and electioneering schemes in Nevada, specifically targeting Indian reservations and the state’s wider Native American communities. The Federalist today covered some of True the Vote’s research, which is featured below and can be read in full here .
“True the Vote continues its in-depth, comprehensive collection of research and data analysis in the wake of the 2020 presidential election where we know that expanded mail-in voting led to widespread election malfeasance and fraud,” said True the Vote Founder and President Catherine Engelbrecht. “Nevada is only one of many states that has been plagued by bad actors seeking to illicitly influence voting activities in minority and disenfranchised communities, and illegally gather or even pay for votes. The research released today is only the beginning of what we seek to uncover as we review the results of the 2020 elections and uncover where irregular, unethical, and even illegal actions took place. Every voter in America has the right for their vote to be counted and not diluted by an illegal vote and our mission is to put an end to illegal voting, ensure free, fair, secure elections for our entire country.”
Below is coverage from The Federalist , featuring comments from Catherine Engelbrecht and elements of True the Vote’s research.
‘Fraud Has Been Institutionalized’: Inside Partisan GOTV In Indian Country
The Federalist
John Daniel Davidson
November 25, 2020
"Last week, I reported on a coordinated and completely illegal votes-for-cash scheme in tribal areas of Nevada , spearheaded by a group called the Nevada Native Vote Project, which is part of a larger effort called Native Vote funded by the National Congress of American Indians, or NCAI.
"Under the guise of a get-out-the-vote campaign, these nonprofit groups were bribing tribal members to vote, offering them gift cards, electronics, and other “prizes” in exchange for proof that they voted. They documented these efforts through their own social media channels, either unaware or unconcerned that what they were doing directly violates federal election laws .
"But it turns out the Nevada Native Vote Project is just one of many supposedly nonpartisan organizations engaged in vote-bribing and illegal electioneering, all under the thin guise of GOTV campaigns. Similar efforts in as many as a half-dozen other states, including every major battleground state, were undertaken by groups that worked hand in hand with the Joe Biden campaign to deliver votes for Democrats.
These GOTV Campaigns Are Openly Partisan
"One of these groups is called Radicalize the Vote, a 'GOTV campaign, led by indigenous woman, that is building a unique, centralized indigenous registration list to get out the vote in record number during the COVID-10.' The campaign is a partnership between NCAI-funded Native Vote and an organization called Seeding Sovereignty , which describes itself as 'an Indigenous-led collective,' that 'works to radicalize and disrupt colonized spaces through land, body, and food sovereignty work, community building, and cultural preservation.' Seeding Sovereignty and Radicalize the Vote appear to share staff .
"Although claiming to be a nonpartisan group, Radicalize the Vote was remarkably open about its opposition to President Trump, posting a photo on its official Instagram page that read: 'Every Trump sign is a desperate plea for toxic white supremacy to be seen and validated. It should remind you how fragile and threatened colonizers feel knowing their beliefs are dying an unremarkable and pitiful death.'

This Was A Coordinated Effort Nationwide
"The creation and funding of groups like Radicalize the Vote seems to be just one part of a larger, highly coordinated effort to deliver Native votes for the Democratic Party and the Biden campaign. In some cases, these efforts received indirect assistance from state lawmakers and election officials.
"In Nevada, the state legislature not only expanded voting by mail, sending ballots to every eligible voter whether he or she requested one or not, it also passed a law in August that allowed for nearly unrestricted ballot-harvesting of absentee ballots. The new law allowed non-family members, community health representatives, political parties, community organizers, and groups like Radicalize the Vote and the Nevada Native Vote Project to pick up absentee ballots from voters in tribal areas.
"In Arizona, which Trump lost by three-tenths of a percentage point, Secretary of State Kate Hobbs’ office set up special online voter registration URLs for select nonprofit groups back in May. The stated goal was to increase voter registration, but the online registrations were heavily promoted by left-wing groups like Native Vote. The special URLs were only given out to a handful of nonpartisan groups, including the Phoenix Indian Center, which in turn amplified GOTV messaging from Native Vote on its Facebook page.
This Is A Crisis That Can’t Be Ignored
"It’s undeniable that groups like Native Vote and Radicalize the Vote, supported with funding from the NCAI, have had an outsized effect on the presidential election. It’s also undeniable that they were flagrantly violating federal election laws and acting not as nonpartisan organizations just trying to increase voter turnout, but arms of the Biden campaign and the Democratic Party.
"Catherine Engelbrecht, founder of True the Vote, a group that’s been advocating for accountability and transparency in elections for a decade, told me that this sort of illegal activity has been going on for years. The difference is that drastic changes to mail-in voting, enacted in the name of the pandemic, caused 'the dam to burst in 2020.'
"The groups that pushed for mass mail-in voting this year, Engelbrecht added, are the same groups that have been suing states for years to prevent them from updating voter rolls. Once you expand mail-in voting with corrupted voter rolls, and then allow ballot-harvesting on a mass scale, it’s like 'harvesting fog,' says Engelbrecht. 'The fraud has been institutionalized, and we’ve been desensitized to it.'"
Read the full article here.
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True the Vote (TTV) is an IRS-designated 501(c)3 voters' rights organization, founded to inspire and equip volunteers for involvement at every stage of our electoral process. TTV empowers organizations and individuals across the nation to actively protect the rights of legitimate voters, regardless of their political party affiliation. For more information, please visit .