True the Vote's Election Integrity Efforts Affirmed by Federal Court

True the Vote's Election Integrity Efforts Affirmed by Federal Court
ATLANTA, Georgia – True the Vote’s efforts to protect election integrity in Georgia’s U.S. Senate runoff election won another federal court battle last night, with District Court Judge Steve C. Jones ruling against Fair Fight’s request to stop True the Vote’s work that simply follows the procedure outlined in state law. This ruling follows a separate federal court ruling that allowed elector challenges in Muscogee and Ben Hill counties to proceed.
“These rulings affirm the truth that citizens play an important role in preserving election integrity by asking questions and challenging inaccuracies,” said Catherine Engelbrecht, founder and president of True the Vote. “Georgians owe a debt of gratitude to the registrars in Muscogee and Ben Hill counties who bravely told the court they’d discovered voters who had in fact moved out of state and were attempting to vote in this election – and would have if citizens had not submitted these challenges. And the Georgia citizens sued by Fair Fight were spending time with their families on Christmas Eve when they were served with court papers. They stood strong against these intimidation tactics and harassment.”
One of the defendants, Ron Johnson of Jackson County, said his involvement in this election integrity effort builds on his service to his country as a U.S. Marine.
“I’m so proud to be a part of this effort,” Johnson said. “I took an oath the first time in 1964 to support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies foreign and domestic, so help me, God. That oath still stands today. What a way to start 2021!”
True the Vote’s counsel James Bopp represented the defendants in the Fair Fight case.
“These courageous citizens were targeted because they dared to stand up for their rights,” Bopp said. “Like true patriots, they stood strongly by the Constitution and the laws of their state and they effected positive change. This is what citizen engagement looks like: There are forces that will try to stop us, but we’ll never stop fighting to defend our democracy.”
Engelbrecht said True the Vote will continue its work in the Georgia elections, with additional hearings on voter eligibility scheduled.
“Let the voters be heard. Let every legal, eligible voter have their vote counted,” Engelbrecht said. “For this to happen, it is critical that those not eligible to vote are prevented from doing so. True the Vote - a completely citizen-led organization - exists for the purpose of championing voting rights, ensuring all law-abiding Americans have the tools they need to cast their ballot, and we are committed to that important work in Georgia and beyond.
"To the legal Georgia voters who have not yet cast their ballots, your fellow Georgians are holding the line for you. Go vote Tuesday!”
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True the Vote (TTV) is an IRS-designated 501(c)3 voters' rights organization, founded to inspire and equip volunteers for involvement at every stage of our electoral process. TTV empowers organizations and individuals across the nation to actively protect the rights of legitimate voters, regardless of their political party affiliation. For more information, please visit .
ATLANTA, Georgia – True the Vote’s efforts to protect election integrity in Georgia’s U.S. Senate runoff election won another federal court battle last night, with District Court Judge Steve C. Jones ruling against Fair Fight’s request to stop True the Vote’s work that simply follows the procedure outlined in state law. This ruling follows a separate federal court ruling that allowed elector challenges in Muscogee and Ben Hill counties to proceed.
“These rulings affirm the truth that citizens play an important role in preserving election integrity by asking questions and challenging inaccuracies,” said Catherine Engelbrecht, founder and president of True the Vote. “Georgians owe a debt of gratitude to the registrars in Muscogee and Ben Hill counties who bravely told the court they’d discovered voters who had in fact moved out of state and were attempting to vote in this election – and would have if citizens had not submitted these challenges. And the Georgia citizens sued by Fair Fight were spending time with their families on Christmas Eve when they were served with court papers. They stood strong against these intimidation tactics and harassment.”
One of the defendants, Ron Johnson of Jackson County, said his involvement in this election integrity effort builds on his service to his country as a U.S. Marine.
“I’m so proud to be a part of this effort,” Johnson said. “I took an oath the first time in 1964 to support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies foreign and domestic, so help me, God. That oath still stands today. What a way to start 2021!”
True the Vote’s counsel James Bopp represented the defendants in the Fair Fight case.
“These courageous citizens were targeted because they dared to stand up for their rights,” Bopp said. “Like true patriots, they stood strongly by the Constitution and the laws of their state and they effected positive change. This is what citizen engagement looks like: There are forces that will try to stop us, but we’ll never stop fighting to defend our democracy.”
Engelbrecht said True the Vote will continue its work in the Georgia elections, with additional hearings on voter eligibility scheduled.
“Let the voters be heard. Let every legal, eligible voter have their vote counted,” Engelbrecht said. “For this to happen, it is critical that those not eligible to vote are prevented from doing so. True the Vote - a completely citizen-led organization - exists for the purpose of championing voting rights, ensuring all law-abiding Americans have the tools they need to cast their ballot, and we are committed to that important work in Georgia and beyond.
"To the legal Georgia voters who have not yet cast their ballots, your fellow Georgians are holding the line for you. Go vote Tuesday!”
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True the Vote (TTV) is an IRS-designated 501(c)3 voters' rights organization, founded to inspire and equip volunteers for involvement at every stage of our electoral process. TTV empowers organizations and individuals across the nation to actively protect the rights of legitimate voters, regardless of their political party affiliation. For more information, please visit .