We Can't Stop Now. Here's Why.

Hi, Friend!
If we learned anything in the last four years, it’s that proper leadership makes the world of difference (literally). This, however, is not possible without every citizen being aware, engaged with their elected officials, and being involved.
This is where you come in! From a quick check to confirm you weren’t registered on an old roll using our Scan. Check. Protect. tool, to submitting 10 or 100 challenges using IV3 (coming again soon—likely this month!), to a quick phone call or an email to a representative, to the most important one: voting, every part you played was essential.
But it can’t stop now, and here’s why:
Americans nationwide became more immersed in our 2024 elections than what we have ever seen before in our lifetime…but we must remain involved and stay vigilant. From the “small” local elections - as witnessed in the case of Ambrose King Jr. - to state and of course, federal elections, the integrity of our elections has been questioned for far too long.
What are a few of the top issues?
- Flawed voter rolls: In 2024, TTV’s evaluation of states’ data revealed nearly 25 million potentially-ineligible records. Just to give you one of countless examples: one IV3 volunteer found voters registered to a zoo… Needless to say, we must continue being the advocates for proper voter roll maintenance!
- Lack of knowledge: This is not an admonition, but a confession. The American people have long been too far removed from decisions made by local, state, and federal bodies. Knowledge is power, and we will continue to do our best to keep everyone in the loop. Truethevote.org is a great place to start!
- Absence of states’ ability to access federal databases: Who are on our voter rolls who shouldn’t be? We must advocate for our states to have access to the DHS database to find out. Florida was the first state to issue this letter - which is a great template to send to your own elected officials - demanding access to such information.
- Increased movement to remove voter ID: Although there is a majority of Americans in support of voter ID requirements (84% according to this October 2024 Gallup poll), there continues to be a push to remove it altogether. This has citizens questioning the motives behind it (rightly so) since casting a vote is one of the most important decisions every citizen has a right and duty to make. Without ID, we cannot confirm who is voting and whether or not they are eligible.
- Are you aware of which offices are up for election in 2026? Start today! Now that we have gotten over the hump that was 2024, we must not forget that our engagement is more important than ever before. We have a major opportunity to implement election reforms. Get involved. Stay involved.
Although these are just a few of the top issues of discussion, I encourage you to continue educating yourself, know what is occurring in your community and state, and remain vigilant. True the Vote stands with you, and we are always here to answer any questions or provide guidance in any way that we can.
Please consider contributing to our multiple initiatives so we can continue the pertinent mission of securing our elections. Your tax-deductible contribution fuels our ongoing projects.

Here at True the Vote, we cannot express our gratitude for each and every one of you who choose to dedicate your time towards continuing to secure our elections. God has paved a way for us to finally have the ability to fix what is broken, and your involvement is crucial and appreciated!
If you have any questions, our team is always happy to assist in any way we can. Please feel free to reach us at [email protected].
God bless you and God bless America!
Ever onward!