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We're all in this together.
Dear -
Hi everyone! From our house to yours...thoughts and prayers are with all our fellow Americans as together we find our way in this (temporary) new normal of daily life. This video was shot last weekend and will be the last one "in studio" for a while.
Please follow us on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram!

We've been working on lots of new projects - but our way (my personal way) has always been to keep things tightly under wraps until we're fully ready to go public. That's going to change. We're going to approach this a little differently. It may not be perfect, but it will be real.
We will get through this, my friends - and we will be stronger for it.

Catherine Engelbrecht
Founder, True the Vote
P.S. We've had an overwhelming response from the veteran and first responder communities signing up with Continue to Serve. If you don't know about it, please check it out! If you've already signed up, be assured we're setting up teams and will be back in touch soon!
Donations made to True the Vote are tax deductible.True the Vote is a 501c3 nonprofit organization, Federal Tax I.D. #27-2860095