Debbie D'Souza Warns Socialist Movement in Venezuela is Happening in America | True the Vote 2020
Debbie D'Souza is a democracy warrior and co-producer with her husband and bestselling author, Dinesh D’Souza, of the movie “Trump Card.” Debbie was born in Caracas, Venezuela, and left in 1976 when it was still much like America - prosperous and free. That has changed dramatically and it is now a socialist country. It wasn't until 1999 that Hugo Chavez ran for president and started the demise of the Venezuela.
Through the eyes of her family, Debbie has been able to follow all of the happenings in Venezuela from prosperity to to despair. Hugo Chavez came in and capitalized on the very poor in Venezuela. Debbie refers to this as the socioeconomic demonization, which she sees happening right here in the U.S. with the Democratic Party, which keeps the poor, poor. Debbie speaks to the importance of voter integrity, which she says, doesn't matter to the left. If we allow the left to take over this country, Debbie believes the road to socialism will be that much faster. The left has gone so far left, that socialism is their only ideology.
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