Episode 5: Red, White, True 06-05-20
June 5, 2020
Contact: [email protected]
Red, White & True: Voting Chaos in NevadaReaganBabe.com founder Megan Barth discusses her effortto expose vulnerabilities in Nevada's election process
HOUSTON, Texas – In the latest episode of the Red, White & True podcast, Catherine Engelbrecht interviews ReaganBabe.com founder Megan Barth who shares her experience exposing vulnerabilities in Nevada election laws, from dead people remaining on voter rolls, to duplicate registrations, to the lack of security around mail in ballots. Watch the interview here and below. You can also listen and download the podcast here.
Red White & True is a podcast hosted every week by Catherine Engelbrecht where she provides the latest election news from across the country, and updates listeners on efforts being taken to secure the 2020 elections and preserve the voting rights of Americans from all backgrounds and ideologies.
The full interview may be viewed at www.truethevote.org and on the True The Vote YouTube page. Also available for download
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True the Vote (TTV) is an IRS-designated 501(c)3 voters' rights organization, founded to inspire and equip volunteers for involvement at every stage of our electoral process. TTV empowers organizations and individuals across the nation to actively protect the rights of legitimate voters, regardless of their political party affiliation. For more information, please visit www.truethevote.org.