Patti's Event 061820 (copy 01)
Earlier today we sent out this invitation and heard back from many people that the registration link wasn't working. The link has been replaced - please register and join us! Look forward to seeing you online this Thursday!

Hi Friends!
Please join me online
for an
Election Integrity WebinarThursday, June 18th @ 7pm
Hosted by Pattie Barrett
and featuring
True The Vote Founder
Catherine Engelbrecht
Meet the woman who took on Obama's IRS and won!Targeted for her effectivenessas a major force against fraud at the polls, Catherine and True the Vote have geared up again!
Hear from her directly in this first ever Election Integrity Webinar.Learn how Dinesh D'Sousa plans to support her efforts,and why her work is critical,not just in Houston, but across the country.
Register in advance for this webinar by clicking here
After registering, you will receive a confirmation email with login information.
We cannot meet in person, but invite your friends and let's make this an online rally for free and fair elections!