True the Vote Statement on Passage of AB 4 in Nevada

True the Vote Statement on Passage of AB 4 in Nevada"Those who think this is only a temporary change sorely mistaken"HOUSTON, Texas – True the Vote founder Catherine Engelbrecht today issued the following statement regarding the passage of AB 4 in the Nevada Assembly:“I am deeply concerned by the precedent the Nevada Assembly has set for permanent universal vote by mail with the passage of AB 4. What began as an ill-advised effort intended for only primary voting at the very outset of the uncertainty surrounding the global pandemic has been taken one step forward to becoming a fixture of election law in the state of Nevada.“Those who think this is only a temporary change to address the risks surrounding COVID are sorely mistaken. This is a step that the extreme left has fought to enact for years. They will do everything to ensure it becomes permanent law in Nevada and are fighting for the same in states all over the country.“While advocates of universal vote by mail claim that it will bring an end to voter disenfranchisement, nothing could be farther from the truth. Vote by mail - beyond limited absentee voting - in fact further disenfranchises minorities who tend to move much more often than the general population and whose addresses are rarely kept up to date on the voter rolls. Vote by mail also expands disenfranchisement as evidenced by the numerous ballots that get lost in the mail, never arriving to the voter or never arriving to the polling place. We are seeing this all over the country in states that have tried vast expansions of vote by mail this election cycle. It is a recipe for chaos and we must fight back. Those who speak the truth know that the most secure way to vote and ensure your vote is counted is by voting in person at the polls on Election Day.“True the Vote will not stop bringing the truth to light. We will continue working with election officials, attorneys general, secretaries of state and others all over the country to bring awareness to the risks of universal vote by mail. We will keep growing our network of volunteers and training election workers to participate in our elections to help ensure that they remain free, fair, and secure for voters of all beliefs and backgrounds.”
True the Vote (TTV) is an IRS-designated 501(c)3 voters' rights organization, founded to inspire and equip volunteers for involvement at every stage of our electoral process. TTV empowers organizations and individuals across the nation to actively protect the rights of legitimate voters, regardless of their political party affiliation. For more information, please visit