True the Vote Weekly Updates

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My how time flies. 10 years ago today we hosted True the Vote’s first National Election Integrity Summit. Word spread quickly among pro-liberty leaders who came from all over the country to attend the two day event in Houston, Texas.That Summit catalyzed the launch of hundreds of local election integrity groups started by passionate patriots who were committed to helping equip friends and neighbors to volunteer in of support trustworthy elections.

At the same time, something else was happening that very few people knew about. You see, by early 2011 it had become clear True the Vote was targeted for takedown by a handful of powerful people in the Obama Administration. I was personally subjected to a gauntlet of audits and investigations from the IRS, BATF, OSHA, DOJ, and FBI ... and that wasn’t all. We’d been sued, slandered, falsely accused, intentionally silenced, and yet, here we are. Still standing.Still standing. With you. And with millions of Americans who now see more clearly than ever before that the election process should never be taken for granted. Our liberty depends on an engaged electorate and honest elections.Stay strong, fellow Patriots. I promise you, there is coming a day when eyes will be opened and truth will be revealed. One way or another.Ten years in the saddle, bloodied but unbowed, we will see this through.Thank you for continued support, it means more than you can know. Working together we really can true the vote.Ever onward -

For The Record

The Republican-controlled Georgia legislature approved the 96-page Senate Bill 202, the “The Election Integrity Act of 2021” early on Thursday, in a party-line vote. Gov. Brian Kemp later signed the final legislation into law.The sweeping set of reforms represents a much-needed overhaul in the state, and addresses a host of issues, from absentee voting to voter ID and more. Topics that “are important to all Georgians,” as co-sponsor of the bill, state Sen. Max Burns described it.The elections and primaries-focused omnibus bill will increase early voting opportunities in the state, it will make ID a requirement to vote by mail, and slashes the number of “ballot drop boxes,” which is a big blow to the practice of ballot “harvesting.”Notably, the bill replaces the Secretary of State as head of the election board with a new position, to be filled by appointment of the legislature. It also eliminates the power of the State Elections Board to make emergency rules without oversight from the General Assembly. Further, there is no limit of persons whose qualifications an elector can challenge and sets that the registrars must set a hearing within 10 business days after serving notice of the challenge.“We applaud the swift action taken by the Georgia legislature to improve accessibility, transparency, security, and accuracy. Among the many highlights in the Act, we are particularly excited to see that the elector challenge process was clarified and strengthened. In December of 2020, we supported Georgia voters by providing information on over 264,000 voters who appeared to be ineligible on the basis of residency. When these elector challenges were filed most counties chose to disregard them. Now, because of this new law, counties must hold hearings within 10 days to take action on elector challenges, which will lead to more accurate voter records and fewer votes cast by ineligible voters.”- True the Vote President Catherine Engelbrecht.President Joe Biden referred to the legislation as “sick and un-American” during a Thursday press conference, representing the views espoused by most national and state Democrats on this historic GOP bill.Among the more controversial of its provisions, the Election Integrity Act provides recourse to the state to temporarily suspend county-level election supervisors over potential misconduct, addressing what had been a common problem in the state.Many more states have passed or will be passing their own slates of election reforms. Bills in Arizona, South Carolina, Texas, Florida, Michigan (see below) and more, are all aimed at providing solutions to the chaos and lawlessness that defined the 2020 election cycle. Check out your state’s legislation HERE, contact your representatives HERE and let them know what you think. Keep fighting the good fight for free and fair elections!

Must ReadsMichigan GOP Plans to Sidestep Gretchen Whitmer, Enact Election Changes

From Washington Times/AP - The GOP-controlled [Michigan] Legislature is planning a maneuver that would enable it to pass contentious election changes into law and effectively nullify a likely veto from the state’s Democratic governor, a top Michigan Republican said.Ron Weiser, chair of the state Republican Party, told activists Thursday that the party will spearhead a ballot initiative assuming Gov. Gretchen Whitmer vetoes new bills that Democrats and voting-rights groups say would suppress voting. Under state law, lawmakers can enact such initiatives without a gubernatorial veto or let them go to a public vote.
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Dark Money Fuels Push to Ditch Filibuster
From Washington Examiner - The left-wing group leading a campaign to have Senate Democrats eliminate the filibuster is housed at one of the left's most powerful dark money networks, business records show.Fix Our Senate is steering a coalition of 60 progressive groups to pressure moderate Democrats to eliminate the filibuster, which requires a 60-vote supermajority to advance legislation. The group is a project of the Sixteen Thirty Fund, a nonprofit incubator managed by the D.C.-based consulting firm Arabella Advisors. Arabella's network of funds is used by the nation's wealthiest liberal donors to secretly bankroll a host of progressive initiatives. Continue Reading

True The Vote Video: Catherine Engelbrecht Speaks With AMAC At CPAC 2021At CPAC 2021, True the Vote’s founder and director Catherine Engelbrecht sat down with the Association of Mature American Citizens to talk about the future of local, state, and national elections.In this detailed interview, Engelbrecht explains the dangers of vote trafficking, and the essential importance of voters being not just informed, but directly involved in helping to reform and properly conduct their local election process. WATCH


Legislation Updates

NY S05889 - Automatic voter registration, relaxed restrictions
Titled the "Modernized Voter Registration Act of New York", this bill is reflective of HB1/S.1 on Capitol Hill. It would include provisions such as automatic voter registration and more.
Status: In Committee
Link to Bill

NJ S3596 - Vote by mail, Ballot drop boxes
Introduced by Democrats, this bill aims to allow "county board of elections to determine location of certain ballot drop boxes under certain circumstances." A mail-in voter "shall be entitled to deposit the voter's completed mail-in ballot in a ballot drop box established by the county board of elections.
Status: Introduced. Link to Bill

NV SB301 - Mail-in ballot deadlines, signature verification
Introduced by Republicans, Senate Bill 301 would revise deadlines for counting mail ballots, and require the Secretary of State to "establish a uniform set of procedures that must be used by election officials to verify the signature of a registered voter." I twould also make the registrar of voters into an elected office, and revise or repeal other provisions to Nevada election law relating to mailing ballots and the conduct of elections during certain emergencies or disasters.
Status: Introduced (revised). Link to Bill

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